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Security for Video Conferencing via the eyeson API
Andreas KröpflDecember 9, 20202 min read

eyeson Cyber-Security for Video Meetings

Secure online meetings should be a matter of course. Whether it’s an internal team meeting, a customer meeting, a consultation or an exchange of ideas – the confidentiality of the discussions and the data have to be a top priority.

eyeson offers you an easy and secure way to communicate with your team or your customers, no matter where they are located.

Security for video meetings

  • Dedicated server locations for a video meeting
  • Video meetings store data temporarily
  • Data will be deleted after a meeting
  • Video meetings can be locked 
  • Everything is fully encrypted
  • No tracking tools like Facebook Analytics

Security for digital decisions in video meetings

  • Highly secure cloud based meeting infrastructure  
  • Secure identification / authentifications of participants
  • Document sharing with patented Single Stream Technology
  • Digital documentation of (video) meetings 
  • Secure recordings of legal binding decisions 

eyeson provides the most secure videoconferencing servers

As Austrian company (EU law - GDPR) eyeson provides high security in data processing with no integration and usage of other tools (e.g. Google/Facebook Analytics …). The server infrastructure is located in Vienna or on a dedicated cloud provider.

A server just for your meeting:  If you enter a meeting room first, a virtual server is started especially for this meeting. This server did not exist before and is terminated shortly after the last participant has left the meeting.

The basic video meeting concept is that each individual video conferencing session is executed on one server (on premise from a cloud provider). Therefore the server is started (=booted) when the first participant enters the video meeting and stoped (=shutdown) when the last one leaves the video meeting.

As the video meetings are only valid for a limited period - defined as time from the first participant entering to the last participants leaving - all data generated during a video meeting is stored temporarily and will be deleted after a meeting.

Via the eyeson API, every business can implement this process into their workflow.

eyeson provides secure videoconferencing access

Video meetings are being hacked everywhere. While eyeson meetings are designed to be safe in general, we wanted to walk you through a method that reduces the risk of being visited by a stranger even more.

Only a simple link is necessary to enter an encrypted video meeting as eyeson works on any platform and any device in a web browser. Random generated video meeting links reduce further hacking possibilites. Video meetings can be locked for the period of the meeting.

Let's go through it step by step and get to know eyeson’s settings and features to better understand how you can protect your video meeting. (link: detailed information on how to setup a safe meeting)

  • Create a meeting room (and do not share the link)
  • Lock your room in the settings (that way, even if you shared the meeting room link, no-one can join after you locked the room) 
  • Adjust the room setting (e.g. turn off recording if you want to be extra safe)
  • Go into your room and start the video meeting
  • Now share your unique guest link with the people you want to have in your meeting.
  • Lock the active meeting after desired participants have joined your call.

This procedure will make it virtually impossible for attackers to spoof messages from users, hijack shared screens or force users into calls without their knowledge. 



Andreas Kröpfl

CEO and founder of eyeson.