Another important ingredient for a winning video conference is a superb internet connection with no interruptions or lags. This is a given when you’re in an office, but it becomes quite difficult when employees work from home. Usually, home internet connections are nowhere near as good as those in corporate offices.
If you’re working from home or you don’t have access to a high-quality internet connection, plug into the network via cable instead of wifi. This could make your connection faster and more stable. “Don’t compromise your professionalism by entering a video conference with a bad internet connection. Sure, it may not be your fault, but it definitely won’t leave a good impression. This is especially important if you’re joining a video conference via phone”, says Dorian Martin, a writer at Subjecto .
A common mistake that participants make in video conference calls is the way they seem them. Often times people mistake them as casual, on-the-go calls that don’t have the same weight as planned out meetings. Unfortunately, this approach will turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy and your video conferences might end up being unproductive after all.
To make sure all of the participants of the conference are updated on important information, send out an agenda before the meeting so that everyone can prepare discussion points. This can ensure that your video conferences go smoothly, productively, and that everyone has a clear action plan after the call is over.
Just like in a regular meeting, all business rules and etiquette are still valid, even if you’re at home. From the way you talk, present information, and address others to how you’re dressed and where you are located.
If you’re at home, it can sometimes be hard to get this right. Yelling kids or cats strutting across your keyboard can make this a tough one. If possible, find a quiet and clean space that allows you to focus on the video conference.
“As soon as you start perceiving video conference calls as normal, professional meetings, you will start seeing career and promotional benefits. Neglecting or downplaying the importance of these video conferences, especially in this day and age, can be a real career killer”, says Sarah Beck, a writer at Studyker .
The golden rule of successful video conferences for business is one voice at a time . Meetings can't be productive and efficient when many people speak at the same time. Some of our customers have started to use the GIV feature to "raise their hand" when they want to say something. Interrupting the person who’s currently speaking is incredibly messy. Your team will have to find a way around this. Either with the help of your software or in some other way.
The second most important rule of video and audio conferences is to mute your mic when you’re not speaking. High-quality microphones nowadays can pick up everything from silent breaths to clicks of a mouse. Doesn't sound dramatic to you? Imagine 5 or 10 participants all producing these tiny noises at the same time. That’s why muting your mic when you’re not speaking is a great habit for video conference calls participants.
If you don’t know how to do it right, video conference calls can be quite clumsy. However, if you approach to video conferencing the right way, you’ll quickly outgrow the need for face-to-face meetings and conferences. Win your next video conference and discover the world of limitless business opportunities!
Melanie Sovann is an expert content creator and marketer working for some of the best essay writing services such as Top Essay Writing. Next to blogging and digital marketing, Melanie is also interested in topics like AI, innovation, and green energy.