Eyeson Blog

RTSP Streaming Protocol Implementation: Two Use Case Scenarios

Written by Iryna Sydorchuk | April 22, 2024

The way we consume media is evolving at lightning speed. From binge-watching our favorite shows to catching live sports events, seamless streaming has become a non-negotiable part of our daily lives. The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP streaming protocol) is a powerhouse protocol standing behind this, keeping real-time media delivery wheels turning. In this article, dive into the two scenarios of implementing the RTSP streaming protocol: as your own server and as an IP camera.


First Things First

Before starting, ensure that you have the necessary tools and understanding. To refresh your knowledge, you may begin by reading our blog article about RTSP protocol. Choose a suitable RTSP stream library or framework like GStreamer to simplify the implementation process and provide comprehensive RTSP support compatible with various programming languages.


How to Implement RTSP If I Want to Set Up My Own Server?

Setting up your own RTSP server involves several steps, and the specific implementation details may vary depending on your chosen server software, operating system, and network configuration. Here's a general outline of the process:

  1. Choose RTSP Server Software: Several open-source and commercial RTSP server software options are available. Some popular choices include:

    - GStreamer: A multimedia framework that supports RTSP streaming and can be used to build custom RTSP server applications.
    - VLC Media Player: VLC can also act as an RTSP server using its streaming capabilities.

  2. Install Required Software: Depending on the RTSP server software you choose, you may need to install additional dependencies such as libraries, codecs, or multimedia frameworks. Follow the installation instructions provided by the software documentation.
  3. Configure the Server: Once the software is installed, you must configure the RTSP server according to your requirements. This involves setting up parameters such as port number, streaming protocols (e.g., RTP/RTCP), authentication settings, and media sources (e.g., video files or live camera feeds).
  4. Test the Server: Test the RTSP server once configured to ensure it appropriately streams media content and responds to client requests. You can use RTSP client software or media players that support RTSP to connect to your server and verify the streaming functionality.
  5. Network Configuration: Make sure your server is accessible from the network where your clients will connect. Ensure that any firewalls or network security settings allow traffic on the RTSP port (typically port 554) and any additional ports required for streaming (e.g., RTP/RTCP ports).
  6. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the performance of your RTSP server and address any issues or bottlenecks that may arise. Keep the server software and dependencies up to date with the latest patches and updates to ensure security and stability.


How to Implement RTSP into IP Camera?

IP cameras include built-in software that acts as an RTSP server, typically configuring RTSP settings on the IP camera through a web-based interface or dedicated management software. This includes specifying the RTSP port number, enabling authentication for secure access, and defining the streaming parameters such as video codec, resolution, frame rate, and bitrate. 

Similarly, transforming your Android phone into an IP camera involves installing specialized applications that leverage its camera capabilities to stream video over a network or participate in a meeting. 


How do I Turn My Android Phone into an IP Camera?

By leveraging your Android device's camera hardware and network connectivity, you can easily set up a live video feed accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Here's how you can do it:

  • Choose & Install an App: Several apps on the Google Play Store allow you to turn your Android phone into an IP camera. One of the options can be the 'RTSP Security Camera.' Download and install the IP camera app of your choice from the Google Play Store onto your Android phone.
  • Setup and Configuration: Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to configure the camera settings. This may include selecting the video resolution, enabling audio streaming, setting up motion detection, and specifying network settings. Some apps may require creating an account or signing in to access additional features or remote viewing capabilities.
  • Connect to a Network: Ensure your Android phone is connected to a Wi-Fi or mobile data network. This network connection is essential for streaming video from your phone's camera to other devices over the network.
  • Start Streaming: Once the app is configured, you can start streaming video from your Android phone's camera by activating the camera feed within the app. The app will typically provide you with a URL or IP address that you can use to access the camera feed from other devices on the same network.
  • Access the Camera Feed: Use a web browser, media player, or dedicated IP camera viewer software on another device (such as a computer, tablet, or another smartphone) to access the camera feed using the provided URL or IP address. Enter the URL or IP address into the web browser's address bar or the IP camera viewer software settings to view the live video stream from your Android phone's camera.

You might want to use your Android phone as an IP cam to participate in the Eyeson meeting. 


RTSP and Eyeson

Eyeson emerges as a pivotal solution, offering robust capabilities for live video collaboration. Whether you want to stream from any RTMP or RTSP source directly into a meeting, manage emergency response operations, or enhance surveillance systems, Eyeson provides the reliability and flexibility needed to stay one step ahead. 


Book a demo and discover how our communication platform can elevate your communication capabilities. 



Incorporating RTSP protocol into your applications opens possibilities for delivering immersive real-time media experiences. By getting to know more details about the implementation of RTSP outlined in this article, you can harness the power of RTSP to stream content to your audience seamlessly and participate in Eyeson meetings.