Eyeson Blog

Unlock the Power of Video Calls: 5 Reasons to Turn Your Camera On

Written by Stefan Steinbauer | January 17, 2023

The business world has changed over the past few years. With the new normal - remote working, virtual meetings, and video conferencing - the way we communicate was completely altered. Video calls have become increasingly popular as they provide a connection and intimacy that can't be experienced over the phone or via email. Let’s explore the benefits of videoconferencing and five reasons why you should turn your camera on for your next video call.

Some Benefits of Videoconferencing

There are many benefits to using videoconferencing for business purposes. It’s an efficient way to communicate with colleagues, clients, and customers. It helps to save time and money, as it eliminates the need to travel for meetings. Additionally, it can help to foster collaboration and creativity, as it enables teams to work together in real time.

Videoconferencing also has some unique benefits that can’t be replicated through other forms of communication. For example, it allows participants to read each other’s body language and facial expressions, which can help to build trust and understanding. This creates a sense of closeness, as participants can see each other’s reactions and respond to them in real time.

Five Reasons to Turn Your Camera On

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of videoconferencing and how to make the most of video calls, let’s take a look at five reasons to turn your camera on for your next meeting.

Increase Engagement

Turning your camera on is one of the best ways to increase engagement during video calls. When people can see each other, it encourages them to be more active participants in the conversation. It also helps to create a sense of closeness and familiarity, which can be beneficial for building relationships.

Having your camera on allows people to pick up on non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language. This can help to make sure that everyone assesses the situation in the same way.

Create Deeper Connections

Having your camera on during video calls can also help to create deeper connections between participants. When people can see each other, it helps to create a more intimate atmosphere, which can be beneficial for building trust and developing relationships.

Additionally, having your camera on allows people to pick up on subtle cues, such as facial expressions and body language. This can help to foster understanding and create a sense of empathy, which can be beneficial for building relationships.

Facilitate Collaboration

Turning your camera on can also help to facilitate collaboration during video calls. When people can see each other, it encourages them to be more engaged in the conversation and take an active role in the discussion.

Additionally, having your camera on allows people to pick up on non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and able to understand each other better.

Improve Communication

Having your camera on during video calls can also help to improve communication between participants. When people can see each other, it encourages them to be more active participants in the conversation and take an active role in the discussion.

Additionally, having your camera on allows people to pick up on subtle cues, such as facial expressions and body language. This can help to foster understanding and create a sense of empathy, which can be beneficial for improving communication.

Enhance Problem-Solving

Turning your camera on can also be beneficial for problem-solving during video calls. When people can see each other, it encourages them to be more engaged in the conversation and take an active role in the discussion.

Additionally, having your camera on allows people to pick up on subtle cues, such as facial expressions and body language. This can help to foster understanding and create a sense of empathy, which can be beneficial for finding creative solutions to problems.

Tips for Improving Your Video Calls

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of turning your camera on during video calls, let’s take a look at some tips for improving your video calls.

First, it’s important to prepare for your video call by finding a quiet, well-lit space and ensuring that you have access to the necessary technology and tools. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of your body language and facial expressions during video calls, as this can influence how people perceive you.

It’s also important to take advantage of the features that video conferencing solutions provide. For example, some solutions offer tools such as screen sharing, which can be used to collaborate on projects, or virtual whiteboards, which can be used to brainstorm ideas.

Finally, it’s important to stay engaged during video calls by turning your camera on and being an active participant in the conversation. This will help to create a more intimate atmosphere, foster understanding, and create deeper connections between participants.

Video Conferencing Solutions for Business

If you’re looking for a reliable video conferencing solution for your business, there are many options available. Popular solutions such as Eyeson, Zoom, and Google Hangouts are easy to use and offer a range of features to help you stay connected with colleagues, customers, and clients.

It’s important to choose a solution that meets your business’s needs. For example, if you’re looking for a solution for casual meetings, then Zoom or Google Hangouts may be a good option. If you’re in the market for a white-label solution and many different data streams then eyeson should be your pick.


Videoconferencing is becoming increasingly popular as it provides a connection and intimacy that can't be replicated over the phone or via email. There are many benefits to using videoconferencing for business purposes, such as increased engagement, deeper connections, and improved communication.

When it comes to video calls, it’s important to create an environment that is conducive to productive conversations and be mindful of your body language and facial expressions. It’s also important to take advantage of the features that video conferencing solutions provide.

Finally, one of the best ways to make the most of video calls is to turn your camera on. This will help to increase engagement, create deeper connections, facilitate collaboration, improve communication, and enhance problem-solving. So, if you want to unlock the power of video calls, make sure to turn your camera on!

Turn on your camera to stay engaged!