Reduce Misunderstandings by Using Video Meeting Tools
Only staying connected via email and texts leaves out many essential parts of a vivid discussion. As mentioned before, facial expressions and body language matter and significantly contribute to your conversations. You can reduce misunderstandings and misinterpretations with video conferences since actively discussing a topic improves clarity. Moreover, to see one another's reaction when brainstorming or talking about a sensitive topic makes it easier to process the verbal responses of your team.
Video Meetings Save Time and Costs
Planning & going on business trips is time-consuming. Video conferencing facilitates the team meeting process and often eliminates the need to travel. Not only will your wallet thank you: Video meeting tools will help you reduce your CO2 footprint. Make sure you don't travel without a real purpose!
Review Your Meetings
Video conferencing enables you to record all your meetings. If you are not able to attend a meeting, you can watch the recorded session later. Moreover, with eyeson, you can record all your meetings for the team to ensure that everybody is on the same page. This feature is especially useful if you missed taking notes on relevant topics.
Many people hop on the remote work train and use video calls daily.
Are you currently deciding on a team meeting tool? Consider these seven questions before choosing a new video meeting tool.