Eyeson Blog

Video Conferencing Etiquette: Tips for Your Next Video Meeting

Written by Thomas Stenitzer | January 7, 2020
If you use video conferencing frequently,  then this article is for you. Just like in real life,  there are rules and etiquette rules you should never break.  The importance of seeing each other's facial expressions and body language to avoid misunderstandings is well- known. Hence, make sure your first contact is made with video communication rather than on the phone. This will help strengthen your business relationship and builds trust right from the beginning. By following these six rules of etiquette for video conferencing, you will always perform well on screen.

1. Be on Time

Don't be late for your video meeting. Be punctual applies for in-house and online meetings. Therefore, it is an obvious business etiquette for both. Being on time and well prepared shows respect for attendees. When you walk in late for a video meeting, it is much more obvious on-screen rather than large in-house meetings. Moreover, for some online meeting tools, the person who has set up the meeting has to be the first participant entering the video call. 

2. Start the Call Right

Your first impression counts and that is why starting the video meeting right is crucial. Make sure everyone has enough time to introduce themselves. Knowing which role and responsibility everyone has in the company, makes it a lot easier to ensure a productive meeting. The person who scheduled the call should briefly explain the purpose of the meeting. This is also a good time to go through the ground rules and what everyone can expect. 

3. Ensure Your Technology Works Correctly

One of the biggest challenges for remote workers and on-site workers is having IT issues during a video meeting, according to the 2019 State of Remote Work report . Therefore, use and get familiar with your video equipment before the meeting. Make sure to check your video and sound quality with a close friend or family member. This will not only give you experience in handling the video communication tool but also boost your confidence to speak in front of a camera. Despite the available technology, make sure you are well prepared with paper and pencil during your video call. For some reason, you might need to take notes to gain an overview of discussions. Don't type notes on your laptop since keyword sounds are more amplified to the people on the other end of the call.

4. Use Technology to Fully Engage Participants

Before you dive deep into the meeting’s topic, quickly explain the video meeting tool to ensure everyone can use features when needed. Screen sharing or presentation of PDFs and images as well as a drawing tool is available to make your presentation even more interactive. Keep everyone fully engaged by using these tools as well as chat messaging and hand-raising features. 

5. Frame the Camera Correctly

Angling your camera correctly is the most important aspect when you want to look good on video calls. Place your camera set at eye-level. This way you can ensure that your counterpart doesn’t get the feeling of towering over you or vice versa. To have a natural atmosphere, make sure your upper body is visible in the camera, not just your face. Find out more on how to look good on video calls in this article

6. Send a Follow-Up

Once the meeting is over, make sure you send a thank-you e-mail showing your appreciation. Plus, including a short overview of the outcomes and action items help everyone take the next steps. Et voilá - it will not be long until your next video meeting.