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Eyeson Blog

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    February 20, 2024

    Navigating the Crowd: Essential Strategies for Hosting Safe and Successful Public Events

    Public events hold a special place in our communities, offering moments of joy, ...
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    February 15, 2024

    A Glance into the Future: 5 Exciting Trends in Video Conferencing for 2024

    Video communication has become an indispensable tool for connecting people across ...
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    February 6, 2024

    How to Embed Eyeson Meeting Into Your Website using IFrame API

    If you're looking to add high-quality video conferencing functionality directly to your ...
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    January 31, 2024

    Maximizing ROI: Proven Strategies with Salesforce App Exchange

    Organizations must leverage every tool at their disposal to maximize Return on Investment ...
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    January 30, 2024

    Tech Update Bulletin January 2024

    What you should know about changes in tech blog and product This is a fast roundup of ...
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    January 24, 2024

    Beyond the Template: How to Create the Text Box

    Eyeson's API enables developers to create completely custom text box overlays for video ...
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    January 17, 2024

    Remote Patient Monitoring: 7 Key Benefits

    Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has emerged as a game-changer in the healthcare industry, ...
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    January 15, 2024

    Enhancing Your Meetings with the New Meeting Observer

    Navigating the modern world,video meetings have become a fundamental aspect of both our ...
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    December 14, 2023

    Twilio Sunsets Video API in December 2024

    Transition to Eyeson for Superior Video Communication Twilio's announcement to sunset its ...
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    December 7, 2023

    Navigating the Complexities of MiFID II Compliance with Eyeson for Salesforce

    The world of Banking, Insurance, and Financial Services (BIFS) is indeed complex, with a ...
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    December 1, 2023

    From Pixels to Lifesaving: The Intersection of Eyeson's Customized Layouts and Body-Worn Cameras

    In an era marked by technological innovation, Eyeson's Video API, in tandem with ...
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    November 30, 2023

    Adaptive Video Layout with Example App: Control Your Stream Presentation

    Being able to have customized layouts and optimized presentations is crucial in the world ...
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